Monday, February 8, 2016

First Couple of Days

Hello everyone! 

Well, I have been in Cambodia for five days already! The plane ride was long and hard, but I made it here safely. I arrived around 7pm and went to IHSI center. I am sharing a room with two beautiful girls who are eager to learn more English. The day after arriving I attended a simple Cambodian wedding and reception. After we got back in the afternoon I had some coffee with Eric and Ginny Hanson and chatted for awhile. I then attended youth group. It was game night so we had worship and played soccer. We were paired and had our hands and feet tied together. It was very fun and I played goalie. That night I had ginger pork which was spicy. 

On Sunday I went to church. The worship is in Khmer, but I recognized the melodies of the songs. After church, I helped make lunch. It was fun chatting with everyone and cutting up weird veggies. I feel so blessed to be apart of what is happening here. After we ate our spicy lunch, I learned some basic Khmer from some kids. It is a hard and weird language that involves a lot of sounds in the back of your throat. I hope I will catch on soon. I played checkers and found out in not to bad at it. I won a few times but got schooled quite a few times. 

On Monday I went into Phnom Penh where part of Sak Saum is located. There I helped pull and match fabrics to make into little wrist bags. I really like matching the colors of different patterns and chatting with the women from Sak Saum. We went to lunch at a soup place called Special Pho. I had a really good chicken soup and a coconut shake. It was so good. I stopped at Ankor market and got some things I needed. It's a lot like a cvs or rite aid with food. I got back to the center and helped out in the beginner English class. They were learning about farm animals. 

Everyone here is so nice and they all smile so much! So different from New York! Everyone in fathers house is starting to warm up to me, and I them. It is definitely different living here than in America. I'll post soon again. God bless and have a good day! 


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  3. Glad all is going well so far Luci. Miss seeing your smiling face everyday <3 Love, Theresa

  4. Love the update and seeing your smiling face in the pics! We're praying for you on this amazing journey! Love ya, Luci Lou!

  5. thanks for sharing. I was wondering how thinks were going. miss seeing you at the bank! looks like you are enjoying your visit!
