Monday, February 29, 2016

27 Days

Wow! I have been here for 27 days already! It has been so amazing. This week I was able to talk to my family and grandfather. It was so nice seeing everyone. We had our second Sunday school class and it went really well. On Saturday night everyone in fathers house played a game where you lay on each others stomach and say 'ha' and the next person says 'ha ha' and so on. I laughed so hard! It was so funny. 

One night Rhiannon, (a staff member who lives in fathers house), and I made Mexican burritos for everyone. It was so good. I helped start up a small preschool this week. It will take a few days for the kids to get it, but it went well. I saw one of the kids walking around with a soccer jersey on that had the name of the bank I worked at on it. So random! I'm learning so much from being here and this experience is life changing. I'm enjoying it so much here and can't wait to see what else the Lord has planned for me. 

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