Sunday, April 17, 2016

3 Years!

So I know it's been a month since my last blog post, but I have been pretty busy. There has been a lot going on and I have made a big dicision. I have committed to three years here at IHSI! I leave here for New York on July 10th, and I will be returning back here October 22nd. My main focus when I come back will be the preschool. The vision for the preschool is that it one day will be a credited school. I enjoy teaching and organizing it so much! It's so much fun and exciting to be apart of something bigger and better than myself. My main focus when I come back to New York is to raise support for myself and the preschool. 

I attended another wedding this past month! That's the third wedding I have been to since I have been here. A lot of people are getting married. The first two I went to were here at the center. They were very simple and nice. This past one I went to was not at the center. It was a traditional Cambodian wedding. It's very different than weddings in New York...very different. It was really fun to experience the difference in culture. 

This past week was the Khmer new year. We had three days off and then the weekend. It was very relaxing at the center. I took the time to chill out and relax. I played some volleyball and watched movies. One day I did go to a movie theatre with a group of people. It was a lot of fun and I got to have popcorn! 

Living here is so different than in the US. There is a lot of things that I don't have, and the way that they do things here is so different. I'm used to it now and don't mind the different way of living. I do miss my home, family and friends. I miss my church and New York. I miss the woods and the trees. I miss the flowers and the squirrels. I miss the different seasons and I miss snow. I miss the crickets and frogs at night. I miss the streams and fields. I miss the mountains. I miss home. But I know that whenever I come home it will all be there waiting for me. I am so thankful for New York and home.