Saturday, December 17, 2016

Give a little more.

Merry Christmas everyone!

For this blog post I want to ask something of all my supporters, friends and family at home. This is the month of giving. Right now everyone is rushing around to the stores buying presents, baking cookies, decorating their Christmas tree, etc. I love all of it. I love putting up decorations, baking cookies, singing Christmas songs, the whole nine yards. For me, Christmas has a lot to do with family, giving, and a time to remember and reflect that our savior was born.

This Christmas I'm learning more. While we are so caught up in our Christmas cheer, we forget about the people who don't have the luxury or opportunity to be able to give their children a future or education, let alone a tree full of presents. Over here in Cambodia I'm surrounded by a heavy destitution, and have been given a chance to make a difference, but I need your help.

First steps preschool will give children an opportunity that they will never have again. It gives them a chance to learn freely. Learn more than just the basic ABC's. It gives them a chance to learn hygiene, structure, social skills, and the list goes on and on.

Starting in January I'll be teaching a new curriculum, making changes, and setting into motion a new schedule. I need help. I need support for the preschool. I need tables, chairs, supplies, cabinets, etc. I'm starting the whole thing from the ground up, and I can't do it alone.

So I'm asking you to give a little more; help pour into the futures of these kids. Help make a difference in the community here. In America it's no question that your kid will be given an education, it's no question that your child will be given a chance. Here, this is a once in a life time chance for these little guys. If you can find it in your heart to help through support, prayer, or encouragement, the smallest thing goes a long way.

This is the link to the ministry. If you want to give, donate to the ministry itself, and designate it to the preschool.

Please open your hearts just a bit more, and let some love pour out. Help plant some seeds over here. Start the new year off with a new resolution to help. I'm wishing you all the merriest Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Three weeks in!

Hello everyone! Sorry it's taken me awhile to post; I've been pretty busy these past few weeks. Since I've been here I've gotten back into the swing of things. I'm settled in my apartment, working with sak Saum, doing the preschool, and teaching English. My flight over was good and easy. Leaving my family right before the holidays was difficult, but they got me well equipped to have a Christmas alone.

The preschool plans have been confirmed, and are already starting to take effect. It has been so good seeing all of my preschool students! I missed their little faces so much. I thank God everyday that I have been given the opportunity to come here and do what I'm doing. I'm so blessed by such an experience.

My diet has returned to rice and pork everyday. Now that I'm cooking for myself, it's fun to experiment with different ingredients. The other day I was offered some black beetles...I turned them down. I've already had my fill of bugs, and wasn't to keen on the smell. For the most part, I'll stick with what I know. Last week I made a kale salad with peanut sauce. It was so good!

We have had the past few days off due to a holiday here. It has been very relaxing. Last night I had a game night in my apartment. Fathers house came over and we played games, ate apples And listened to music. It was a lot of fun.

Thank you all for your continuing support and encouragement. My prayer for the next year is to plundge headfirst into what God has planned out for me. My prayer is that I can do it with the fruits of the spirit. God only knows I need them everyday.